Carla Technologies
Ruby / Rails / SidekiqWith only 90 days to completely redesign a live mobile app backend solution, we had to move fast and stay organized to avoid sacrificing quality.
While performing an abbreviated discovery and user story writing session, we juggled ever changing minute changes to functionality and requirements as designs were being completed by a partnering vendor and mobile app development undergoing in parallel as well.
We had a lot of small pieces to put together with our usual goal of delivering high quality, well tested code in a working platform product.
On top of the changing landscape, there were massive processes and parts of the existing codebase that had to be removed and rethought, while introducing many new features and experiences.
We had to continue to support the live production API but also make a clean break as we removed large portions of the product platform features in preparation for a complete rebrand.
With the cloud backend pared down as much as possible, we created and deployed features at a break neck pace, relying upon our extreme attention to detail and constant communication with the other vendors to deliver a comprehensive product to Carla.
At the end, we were able to deploy a completely new product, called Guzo, breaking from the roots as a ride sharing app and launching as a premiere social travel experience platform.
We hope to continue this exciting journey and bring even more exciting functionality to the amazing Guzo ecosystem!
Contact us to chat with our founder
so we can learn about you and your project.